Cutaneous cryptococcosis in a patient taking fingolimod for multiple sclerosis: Here come the opportunistic infections?

Multiple Sclerosis Journal - 2017-02-06Carpenter A, Goodwin SJ, Bornstein PF, Larson AJ, Markus CK10.1177/1352458516670732
Background:Fingolimod is an oral disease-modifying therapy for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, which acts by sequestering lymphocytes within lymph nodes.Objective:To describe a case of extrapulmonary cryptococcosis in a patient taking fingolimod.Methods:Case report.Results:A 47-year-old man developed a non-healing skin lesion approximately 16 months after starting treatment with fingolimod. Biopsy revealed cryptococcosis. Fingolimod was discontinued and the lesion resolved with antifungal therapy.Conclusion:Despite few reported opportunistic infections in the pivotal clinical trials and first few years post-marketing, there has been a recent increase in reported AIDS-defining illnesses in patients taking fingolimod. Neurologists should be alert for opportunistic infections in their patients using this medication.