I'm interested in learning more about my health problems. Can I volunteer for one of your studies?
We greatly appreciate your interest in contributing to our research and we welcome any questions you may have. Unfortunately, our work is not at this point where we are able to provide diagnostic information about your individual health problems, nor can we provide treatment recommendations. Your participation will benefit all veterans and non-veterans with comparable health problems.
I live in another state. Is it possible for me to participate in your research?
Yes, it is, provided that you qualify for a particular study. We can discuss the qualifications with you over the phone. Please call us at 612.467.2282. However we cannot reimburse you for travel expenses.
Where are you located?
Many people think we are on the University of Minnesota campus. We are actually located at the Minneapolis VA Medical CenterVA Medical Center (VAMC). You can find maps & directions here: