Angeliki Georgopoulos Lecture

  • 2023 - Carol A. Barnes, PhD, Regents Professor of Psychology, Neurology and Neuroscience at the University of Arizona, Tucson "Contribution of synapse change to cognitive decline in aging"
  • 2022 - Lisa James, PhD, Anita Kunin Professor of Healthy Brain Aging "Women's Healthy Brain Aging: Legacy of a Learned Life"

American Legion Brain Sciences Lecture

  • 2023 - Effie-Photini Tsilibary, MD, PhD "Professor, Hellenic American University; Adjunct Associate Professor of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota "Gulf War IllnessGulf War Illness (GWI)Shortly after the Gulf War (1990-91), veterans started to report a variety of health problems that began during, or soon after returning from, deployment, prompting investigation into the epidemiology and etiology of the complaints. Those investigations revealed that diffuse symptoms such as fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, mood and neurocognitive complaints, gastrointestinal problems, and rashes were most commonly reported. The constellation of symptoms, now commonly referred to as Gulf War Illness (GWI), has affected a substantial number of Gulf War veterans. Several population-based studies have demonstrated that these symptoms occur at significantly higher rates in deployed Gulf War veterans relative to their nondeployed peers and other veterans, raising the issue about possible in-theater exposures and stress as contributing factors. However, these symptoms are also present in non-deployed military personnel, leading some to suspect other causes, including reactions to vaccine adjuvants. In summary, GWI is now a recognized constellation of symptoms of unclear etiology, also co-occurring with psychiatric disorders. from bench to bedside: A model system to study neuronal cell dysfunction"
  • 2022 - Sten Grillner, MD, Professor of Neuroscience Karolinska Institutet "The Brain in action: Evolutionary conserved control strategies"
  • 2021 - George Wilcox, PhD, Department of Neuroscience University of Minnesota Medical School "Discovery and development of novel, non-addictive analgesic medications"
  • 2019 - Harry T. Orr, PhD, University of Minnesota "A Minnesota Journey: Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 (SCA1) from Gene Discovery to Therapeutic Trials"
  • 2018 - Brian Engdahl, PhD, Minneapolis VAHCS "Forty Years of Post-traumatic Stress DisorderPost-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)A complex psychiatric syndrome that develops in response to trauma exposure. Individuals with PTSD experience intrusive recollections or reexperiencing of the traumatic event, avoidance of trauma reminders, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal. In addition, PTSD is associated with high rates of concomitant physical and mental health problems, increased health care use, and impairment in social and occupational functioning. Almost 7% of the general population and up to 30% of veterans meet lifetime criteria for PTSD. Indeed, PTSD is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, representing a significant and costly public health concern.: The Brain Sciences CenterBrain Sciences Center (BSC)'s Drive to Discover its Causes"
  • 2017 - Timothy Ebner, MD, PhD, Pickworth Chair in Neuroscience, Professor and Chair, Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota "The Cerebellum in Health and Disease"
  • 2016 - Robert F. Miller, MD, PhD, 3M Bert Cross Professor of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota "How close are we to a cure for schizophrenia?"
  • 2015 - K~Acmil U"A"Yurbil, McKnight Presidential Chair in Radiology, Neurosciences, and Medicine; Professor of Radiology, University of Minnesota; Director, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR). "Harnessing nuclear spins and magnetic fields towards understanding the Human Brain: A marriage between Physics and Neuroscience"
  • 2014 - Richard A. Andersen, Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology "Parietal Cortex In Action"
  • 2013 - Harvey Karten, UCSD "Cells, Circuits and Genes: Evolutionary Origins Of Mammalian Neocortex"
  • 2012 - Suzanne Corkin, MIT "Making History with H. M."
  • 2011 - Michael Petrides, McGill University "Lateral Prefrontal and Parietal Contributions to Working Memory: Monitoring vs. Manipulation"
  • 2010 - Andy Schwartz, University of Pittsburgh "The Power of Neural Populations"
  • 2009 - Mahlon DeLong, Emory University School of Medicine "Circuits & circuit disorders of the basal ganglia: surgical repair"
  • 2008 - Ann Graybiel, MIT 'Our Habitual lives: How Our Brain Makes and Breaks Habits'
  • 2007 - Serge Rossignol, University of Montreal "Locomotor Adaptation After Lesions of the Nervous System."
  • 2003 - Pablo Rudomin, PhD, IPN, Mexico City
  • 2002 - Robert Wurtz, PhD, National Eye Institute
  • 2001 - Patricia Goldman-Rakic, PhD, Yale University
  • 2000 - Gerald M. Edelman, MD PhD, Neurosciences Institute
  • 1999 - Joseph T. Coyle, MD, Harvard Medical School
  • 1998 - Solomon H. Snyder, MD, Johns Hopkins University
  • 1997 - Floyd E. Bloom, MD, Scripps Institute
  • 1996 - Eric R. Kandel, MD, Columbia University
  • 1995 - Vernon B. Mountcastle, MD, Johns Hopkins University