The Brain Sciences Center is located at the Minnesota Veterans Affairs Health Care System in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. at the corner of 54th St. S and Minnehaha Ave., near the intersection of Highway 55 (Hiawatha Ave.) and Highway 62 (Crosstown). We're just across the road from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and only a 20 minute drive via Hiawatha Avenue from downtown Minneapolis. The METRO Blue Line (light-rail train) travels between downtown Minneapolis, the VA Medical CenterVA Medical Center (VAMC), the airport and the Mall of America.
Visiting the Brain Sciences CenterBrain Sciences Center (BSC) at the VAMCVA Medical Center (VAMC)
Park in the Vistor's Lot or the Ramp (see maps below)
Go to the Main Entrance or Outpatient Entrance
Navigate to the Outpatient Elevators (located by the Outpatient Entrance)
Go to the Fourth Floor
Turn left out of the outpatient elevators
Follow signs for 4S - Brain Sciences CenterBrain Sciences Center (BSC)
Ring the doorbell by the door under the pictured sign